IHSH-112- 5oz Indigo/Indigo Paisley Chambray Western Shirt
Great fit with the Paisley @Max Power - good choice!
Thank you
Mine is out of my car, it's in the house….my wife likes it on me...I like it....fit pic on the way.
Looks good on you Max Power.
Now if babyknight got one, I NEED to see it on him. -
Looks good on you Max Power.
Now if babyknight got one, I NEED to see it on him.Congrats on the pick up @Max Power , glad to see that community peer pressure still works well around here! Looks very nice on you.
@Omega Man I did indeed cop this, and decided to go with the MOP snaps too. I will get it delivered to me in about a week or so and will try to post a fit pic asap thereafter!
Thank you and congrats to the purchasr. Im sure you'll love it. Im thinking about mop snaps too.
Jeeziz these flew out the door!
Who has a xxl or xxxl that they are willing to sell?
okay…so finally i was able to pick this one up the last weekend and brought it back home to switzerlad with me.
words can't describe the beauty of this damn shirt, so here aresomea shitload of picssize: LARGE -> (thanks to @babyknight again!)
…oh, and i so fecking love the turqoise buttons as well! thanks again for pointing it out @Giles
Stunning @Finn666 !! So glad you went with L. I get mine later this week. Again, great pics my friend!
@finn666 looks fucking perfect and the turquoise snaps really enhance the shirt
Really great fit & look on you. I would prefer MOP buttons as the fabric is already pretty loud, but that seems just be my opinion.