We know you love IH, but where do you think we can improve?
I also think this is a great idea.
My apologies. I was in no way implying anyone would get any enjoyment watching people scrap for extinct items. A poor use of metaphor on my behalf.
Let me re-phrase. It would be nice for extinct items to become available ever now and then. Especially in the shirting department.
88. I knew what you meant, sorry my answer must have been vague. The issue is that (some) people buy an endangered item because it is endangered, it is released in limited numbers and will be gone when its gone. Those people get really pissed off when they have spent ages tracking down an extinct item on the secondary market and then I release effectively the same thing.
So, in the main, I try and keep extinct as extinct. I have "phoenixed" the odd item, but I really try not to.
To start off. I absolutely love Ih flannels and have a serious addiction for them as the fabric is typically the best. Cut and styling is perfect most of the time.
The only thing I could nit pick on, and am actually kind of surprised doesn't happen more with the Japanese ideal of perfection. But it would be nice if the pattern matched (aligned) better on the side seams of flannels. I realize there may be a bit more fabric loss, but when the patterns match (aligned) it looks so much better. Funny enough my mom sews quite a bit and thats the first thing she commented on when seeing IH flannels; especially when hearing the price of them. I may be in the minority with my OCD on this; but it would be the final level of perfection on otherwise close to perfect shirts. Especially if IH will be producing more flannels as it sounds like.
Are you able to add an option to the website to flip the displayed currency. Depending on IP I guess, you sometimes show me USD. I would prefer to select GBP !
Ouch, look at the size of the big yellow arrow!!
Why the hell didn't I see those icons, what a tool!!
Thank you.
P.s. I like the correct use of IT terminology "should".
I'd like to see a better "synergy" between, for instance, the ultra heavy flannels and the winter coats. As it is now I feel that the shoulder measurements on jackets are often smaller than on the shirts. Assuming most jackets are designed to be worn with only a tee underneath. To me, personally, I'd like to be able layer an ultra heavy flannel under a deck jacket without having to size up.
TL;DR - Slightly larger shoulder measurements and winter coats designed to be worn with more than a tee under!
I'd like to see a better "synergy" between, for instance, the ultra heavy flannels and the winter coats. As it is now I feel that the shoulder measurements on jackets are often smaller than on the shirts. Assuming most jackets are designed to be worn with only a tee underneath. To me, personally, I'd like to be able layer an ultra heavy flannel under a deck jacket without having to size up.
TL;DR - Slightly larger shoulder measurements and winter coats designed to be worn with more than a tee under!
what he said
and i REALLY dig the deal of the month idea
I would like it if the westerns had all snaps (instead of one button at the top). What's the point of one button?
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Hey Giles is there a thread yet for dedicated to forms for limited quantity/special order stuff yet? ie- the short sleeves form that closed last week
There is not. I'll start a special order thread. On the basis that most of the stuff (especially, the seasonal releases) we make is limited, then I'm not sure there is much point in starting a thread for them.
So you don't catch your beard hair in the snap….
This is hilarious and awesome (if you were being serious). But why, then, do some shirts have all snaps (like the 33 or the Johnny cash)?
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Maybe throw in a "design contest" for a limited run, loopwheel shirt once a year or something to spark some creativity in the forum?