IH-634SV - The Vulcan - 18oz Raw Straight Cut Jean (With Hidden Pockets)
Remember as well that when you buy premium Japanese denim like IH, the indigo dyeing is super deep.
Apologies for being so pedantic, and it may well be what you meant, but rope dyed yarns do not get much indigo penetration. In rope dying the yarn is twisted under tension and then goes through a series of indigo baths. As the yarn is under tension, it resists take up of the indigo but between each bath (coating of indigo) the indigo oxidises on the surface of the yarn. The more dips the thicker the oxidised coating…..That is why rope dyed yarns have a white core....
Everything has been duly noted and my Vulcans are now drying.
Giles - Yes, I think my wording was at fault there and I understand that rope dyed yarns will have that white core. Perhaps a better way of putting it would have been that typically, Japanese or other high quality denims have had a greater number of indigo baths than lower quality denims and also that the standard of the indigo dye itself is better - resulting in a deeper and darker blue colour that will not necessarily shift all that easily with regular but gentle washing.
glad to say i landed a pair of these & i'm sorry i waited so long to grab a pair.
The olive looks amazing on the 18oz denim & the top block I'm pretty happy with. Pretty sure I'm going to get them hemmed proper for my stubbie legs & possibly tappered (sorry the opening is too big for me). As it stands i've grabbed every pair of 18oz jeans released by Iron Heart, got to say it's my current favorite IH denim. Fit flicks in a few days.
The only gripe I have (and it's not really a big one, but along the veins of "what would I like more") is I find the back rise a tad lower than what I like. Would be nice if it was a half inch or inch higher.
i picked them up in the 2nd hand market from @tmg , @Bluegrass I feel silly I waited so long to grab a pair of these.
cool @madmonday - so "show us the money!" pics…
and what are YOUR thoughts on the little details that tend to polarize the IH faithful - the rear pockets and leather patch?
Look great
Thanks @madmonday . I absolutely love these jeans. The 18 oz is great denim. I think it's the perfect weight- good in winter and summer, both of which can be harsh in Chicago. A few more pictures. Please excuse the photography and the color balance, etc. I'm testing out a camera that's been purchased for astrophotography- I know nothing of real photography. I'll update as I can manage to shoot better quality pics- the belt is by Don't Mourn, Organize, and the stray hair or two is by Sophie (our Himalayan cat who sheds like crazy!). The photography mistakes are by yours truly.