Bitch Please… FAKE Iron Heart?
And no hidden rivets, no rivets at all haha
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Hi guys Thx for the attention. Its rude using someones Copyright without giving credit, i See that Happen a lot on IG but it's difficult to stop. I have reported my Photo on that FB Page lets see, i don't want to be in connection with any Fake industry as I obviously don't support any of these creatures. Thx for reaching out i will see what FB does.
Those were the guys who instituted an macabre international campaign to "get me" after I ranted in their Facebook group last year
I had warning messages from concerned members that I was being "targeted" and everything :o
Not a problem mate, I really hate these guys.
the comments on IG are still there, including mine that I left on the ones you missed (they don't seem to know, how to delete them ::))
if anyone wanna post something
Just named and shamed them to the 2200 followers of the DWC.
I'm blocked as well and can't no longer comment, but found a little work around to view the crap
nice one @Megatron1505 !!
Thx Gav @Megatron1505 FB page seems down,
not yet blocked on their IG i will pop in there too Haha
Another pirate sank
Love it!