What's your favorite Beer?
Citrus and funk, long dry, bitter finish - good stuff.
Smell is stronger than the aroma, but really delicious stuff.
Brilliant brew - especially the beautiful, thick head and subdued tropical fruit aromas with the long bitter finish stood out. More subtle dIPA.
It rates a "Fuck yeah - good choice" in Belgium…
It's a very good geuze, not the best IMO, but a genuine one, and that's the most important bit!..
Oh: it's also not as sour as eg. Cantillon or Hanssens… But if you ever see a bottle of 3 Fonteinen Oude Geuze, make sure to try that'un... Absolute favourite, and a perfect entry-level geuze...
Thanks for that. They have the Cantillon and the 3 Fonteinen at my Wine Monopoly as well as quite a selection of other lambic's. I'm not sure it's quite my thing but I appreciated the cleaness combined with the sourness. The weather here is shite and I have the feeling this stuff needs to be drunk on the veranda in 20 degrees and sunshine. I'll try some more when and if that happens…
But now for something completely different...
@Seul I've just started doing some proper research. In Norway,sale of alchohol over 4,7% is highly regulated. The bad thing about that is you have to travel a way to the monopoly and the opening hours suck. The good thing is it's a government agency and they take what they do very seriously. They'll order whatever from wherever, especially if it's a weird or expensive. So I was looking at their web pages and these guys seem interesting: Gueuzerie Tilquin. Worth checking out?
It's too early for an elaborate response, and there's no need to either, as a short YES will suffice.
And two other sours you might like:
And Orval. Whilst not a real sour, it has Bretts, and it's one of the best beers in the world…
I seemingly can't stop buying / drinking Prairie beers lately.
Nice mild farmhouse ale, tart without being very funky and sour.
Could drink this like water on a warm sunny day if I had a keg of it.
Some local beer tonight:
Austin Beerworks Black IPA from their Heavy Machinery seasonal series.
This surprised me, their normal beers are a bit boring to me but this one is pretty nice.
Honestly they're probably boring to me because they're in every bar and restaurant in town but they're not bad at all.