IH-9526V - 21oz Non-Fade Denim Type III Vest - Superblack
thanks fella's! I'm really happy with it.
I was worried as it was filthy dirty when it arrived. But I gave it a good solid wash in the tub and it came out good as new. My wife thought that it actually was new.
This thing is no joke! It's sturdy, very sturdy. But yet somehow IH manages to make this monster soft? (wrong word but can't think of a better) and completely wearable This is a staple as far as I'm concerned. -
Looks like it's the only sewable place on the vest…
lovely patch on the lower left. I like!
When I was in San Fran a couple of weeks back a lady followed me into a coffee shop to ask where I got my vest. That hasn't happened to me before, with any item of clothing. I recently de-patched it, maybe I'd better stick a couple of the IH ones back on to make it easier for admirers…
Haha great!
Are those Pork Army patches? A buddy of mine (and his wife) basically are Pork.
lovely patch on the lower left. I like!
Want one? I could give you a link…
Thanks to @JCMx800
Is this to be expected with the super black material?
…also on a side note, the measurements for the chest seem a bit off on the product page. The chest measurements are identical for the XL and XXL sizes.
Is this to be expected with the super black material?
It's the first time I have seen it in the 8 or 9 years we have been making it. But yes, exposed to enough UV, it'll do this.
…also on a side note, the measurements for the chest seem a bit off on the product page.
Thanks we'll take a look….