What's your favorite Beer?
Very nice beer from here in Scotland.
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I could make you a nice package mate… 12 £ to ship a 10kgs box to you... 15 quid for the beers, ~10 regular bottles, of my choice... Just lemme know what you prefer... Saison, geuze, blond, IPA, dIPA, APA, bIPA, stout, (BA) imp stout, porter, wheat beer, trappist, quad, tripel,...
defo @Seul, got your paypal email so hit me up with a total and i'll blast funds into your paypal right now.
I'm happy for you to educate me based on your knowledge and experience of beers -
cheers buddy
That Orval glass is great, gotta get one of those sometime!
Seul you and I should do a trade sometime, although I'm sure it'd be significantly more from the US to Europe and vice versa. But I might be able to get you some Atrial Rubicite or something sweet from Jester King or any of the southern US breweries down the road!
Always down for trades, although shipping costs are a pain…
Currently enjoying this'un... So good...