Things that have changed my life in the last 12 months
Since we're coming up on the end of the year and I was feeling a bit introspective, I thought I'd resurrect this thread. So, let's hear it- what's changed your life this year?
IH and this forum, actually. I am happy to have "met" each of you.
Also, work has been going very well and I've never been happier professionally. And for that matter, in general.
thanks for bringing this thread back chris.
well, so what has changed my life the last 12 months…a shitload of things actually!
first thing first, after 6.5 years, i've finally finished university and became a bachelor of engineering with the main subject in construction engineering. took me 2.5 years longer than planed but it looks like that such things really doesn't matter anymore. it's all about knowing people and such these days i think! a friend of mine graduated 2 years ago and is still on the lookout for his first job (poor lad, sucks big time!)...
the next major thing that happened after graduation was that i broke up with the gf, after 7 years of being together and all that. had some beautfiul times together i have to admit. met her the first time when she was 16 (almost 17 then!) and me being 19! now, with her being 24 and me 26, we both just had different views of how we want to spend the next years of our lifes. she's into fashion and i wanted the best for my career, so for her berlin was/is the major goal and for me it is switzerland! beside the jobside, also feelings and such changed, so we actually parted on our both agreement, which i think was a good decision, since we still can talk to eachother without having some hard feelings or such...i still love her though and i guess, that after sharing 7 years of my life with one person, this is a normal thing to do/say, so yeah. she now has a new bf and i'm still on the hunt for fresh meat
after a good and a bad thing has happened now, it's time for another awesome thing to after graduation and after the break-up i actually chilled and didn't do a thing for 3months...just chilled at home and got my ass into paleo shape (thanks a ton again Jeff and Mega, for bringing Paleo into my world!). so paleo was another major thing that happened in the last 12 months. still at it (a bit), but really need to get my ass back on track.
after those 3months of being lazy, i finally got my ass up and wrote and sent two applications to two companies in switzerland (2 of the top 4 companies there is!)...after weeks of waiting i finally got word from both, that they both want me in their team. had two interviews and after that, i've decided to go with the "new" company (the other one i already had an internship two years ago!)...just felt right to me. the project manager was/is a great guy, the project itself sounded dope (i now can tell it really is!) and besides that, they also offered a tad more money and even had the better options along with the contract!
so after 6months into my first job now, i really can tell that i made the right move...happy as fuck i am. the project is running, the boss is more than happy with me, i'm more than satisfied with what i have achieved so far (always can do better though!) and all the folks working with me are awesome as happy family we are! love it...with the job, also money came...while i was a student, i always had to see what to spend and when, what things to sell to pay for the next things and what, knowing that you get paid every 4weeks, a lot of problems got solved, a lot of thoughts got taken care of and yeah, living life is just so fucking brilliant now (smiling from ear to ear almost every day
so i guess i got it all covered, those are the major 3-4 things that happened in my life the last 12 months i think...besides that, you guys are always a part of my life so the most of you already know about all the above. bear with me now
cheers bitches,
R. -
Tough act to follow. All I have is; I am now half the man I used to be.
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Glad you kept the good parts
The birth of my son
A promotion to upper management
Rediscovering my love of live music
Going through a divorce(totally blindsided)
Being accepted to an administration training program to advance my career. -
Yeah, I'm just trying to hold on until some relief presents itself. Surrounding myself with friends and staying busy seems to help. Tough times…..never understood depression until now.
- Finished school.
- Got a nice unlimited 30 hours job. Still need something for the morning hours.
- Moved from the parents to a living community.
- Living Community sucks, so… Looking for an own flat really influence my life right now, hope it gonna be over soon haha
- Playing music with my friends in front of people on small stages is awesome!
Tough times…..never understood depression until now.
Depression sucks, and people who've never suffered from it really don't get it.
Yeah, I'm just trying to hold on until some relief presents itself. Surrounding myself with friends and staying busy seems to help. Tough times…..never understood depression until now.
Yeah, friends and busy is a good plan. Good luck with it all, mate. The clouds WILL clear away sometime.
All the best to you - and don't be afraid to look for professional help, if needed.
^^This. People get resistant about going to a professional for mental/emotional stuff and that's bad. If you'd go to a doctor because your knee hurts, why would you refuse to do so when something really important, like your mind, is involved?
You might know that I work in a large Hospital for psychosomatic disorders. You wouldn't believe how many inpatients we have and how "normal" they are. It's just nothing to be ashamed of and shouldnt be treated as an issue that solves itself.