IHSH-34 Heavy Hairline Hickory Western Shirt
namenes is the man! Well studied. Great forum member and otherwise decent fellow. Although his driving skills are to be debated… Especially from the trunk! Oh and just in case people were too lazy to follow the link, I am 6'2".
I've been wearing mine all day, I love this shirt! I go back and forth between a xxl and xxxl in IH shirts. For this shirt I went with a xxxl and am very happy. I'm like having a little extra room because it is such bullet proof material, but hey that's just me.
One more thing, I did just give it it's first soak/wash a few days back and it did shrink just ever so slightly. Fit is perfect now.
same here… i was just at SELA picking up a pair of 1634s I had hemmed and was dreaming about all of the shirts upstairs including this one
It will be restocked I believe but I am not sure about the time frame. I would go ahead and grab it up. Something tells me the Cordura will last a little longer.
Thanks Nameness and Lando. I couldn't resist but to order one XL. Shoulder measurement is good, as is the arm. Bodylength is littlebit longer than anything I have. And I'm a littlebit shorter than you Lando so let's see how it turns out. Maybe it's time to start weight lifting or something…
My 3GS fits a treat
TT -
do the pockets on your xl IHSH-34 fit an iphone, that is if you have one. If not do you know?? I think I remember Giles stating all new shirts have pockets big enough for the iphone 4
My iPhone 4 fits into EVERY IH Shirt Pocket I own!