IHD-01 - Special G Denim Version
Cheers @mahlon321, wear them both in good health…...
Looks like you're right about the shared history of that shirt [emoji4] Your last pic/comments have seriously re-opened my appetite for the D-01, it's been too long… Time to wear the (possibly original?) shaket again!
By the way, only recently noticed they wear called Special G Denim Version. No sure what the extended name meant but the shirt sure has an iconic feel to it... Need to wear it way more often -
only recently noticed they wear called Special G Denim Version.
Haraki conceived the IHW-01 (Melton wool CPO). I came up with (or a forum member more accurately) the idea of doing the same cut out of denim.
It was one of my first "Haraki-can-you-do-this-for-me" moments, so when he said yes, it was special….
Interesting. I figured that it was a precursor to the numbered shirt versions now. Learn something new each day.
Looks awesome!!
great bump & thanks for the photos, the red shirt is pretty cool, you recall the number?
"Extinct" is your friend…..
Shame G was faster[emoji17]
Enjoy ya addiction!