Mister Freedom
Just got all 4 original mister freedom chambrays for a total steal. (Yes I'm counting the mechanics shirt as an original)
They need repairs, will post pics when finished. So stoked.
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^Nice score Akuma! Those topsliders look nice and comfy Bluegrass, great fit.
Anyone happen to have bought the midnight denim Garrison shirt yet?
Just got all 4 original mister freedom chambrays for a total steal. (Yes I'm counting the mechanics shirt as an original)
They need repairs, will post pics when finished. So stoked.
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Wow! @Akuma no uta this might be one of the best scores I've seen on here. Jealous.
Anyone happen to have bought the midnight denim Garrison shirt yet?
Not yet… I've got way too much Indigo/denim shirts happening in my wardrobe ATM.The olive version looks great as well. It's hard to go pass that indigo/ brown button combo though...really pops.
The garrison shirt hasn't released yet.
And thanks blood n thunder! I love them. Working on repairs/patches each night, will post pics when done
Shirt looks great but on that model…not so much! I really don't need this but I am sure it will be a huge seller.
Anyone happen to have bought the midnight denim Garrison shirt yet?
Bought? Had not even seen it. I don't see it on MF online store? Japan/Europe release?
I've got this one inbound - love the subtle stripes - but I will have to see it before a final judgement…
Both Garrison shirts have been available at the usual JP shops for nearly a week, and should be available at MF online pretty soon as Christophe has already posted a preview at his blog: http://www.christopheloiron.com/the-garrison-shirt-double-indigo-twill-and-gb-olive-green-denim-twill-saigon-cowboy-fall-2015/Looking forward to a fit pic of that shirt^.
One more shirt for me this year. IHSH-OHB or this? I think I have enough dark shirts but this one will no doubt fade in amazing ways. I still don't need it but it is a head turner. Listen carefully and you can actually hear my willpower breaking.
@Anesthetist I also don't need any more dark blue shirts (says the man who just bought another dark blue shirt he did not need) - but that olive twill Garrison is the nuts. And I also have my eye on the ISH-OHB - but as you well know MF and IH are totally different animals. That will be a tough choice.
@FurattoHeddo thanks for sharing that link - I need to watch CL's blog more - I tend to forget it's there.
@Anesthetist I also don't need any more dark blue shirts (says the man who just bought another dark blue shirt he did not need) - but that olive twill Garrison is the nuts. And I also have my eye on the ISH-OHB - but as you well know MF and IH are totally different animals. That will be a tough choice.
So similar but worlds apart!
I love that Garrison shirt. The new Appaloosa shirt just arrived at my door a couple days ago but I think I need the garrison as well. It will age beautifully
Midnight garrison is up!
The jeans in that fabric will be legendary.