IHSH-127 - 2015 Ultra Heavy Buffalo Check Western Shirts
My man @David_pll Great pickup looking good, enjoy it awesome flannel
Love this shirt.
Really awesome fits gents @David_pull and twist_23 You guys are making me want one….
The grey looks like a dormant classic IMOThank you!
I nearly went for the green, but happy I went for the black/grey.
Pulling mine out tomorrow for an Autumn walk through the 'shire with my wife to celebrate our wedding anniversary.
Small restock of these arrived today - only size we have nothing is XXL
Washed mine with cold water and they shrunk a lot in the length. Too short now
How cold was cold? Was planning on doing mine on a 30
My machine just says cold, warm, hot, I washed on cold and tumble dried low like the tag says. Really fucking bummed
@giles do you know if there's any way to stretch the length back out? Or do I just have to sell these and try to find XL's and hope they shrink to a large?
I had my gf yank on them while I was wearing them and that helped a bit.
Be careful with these guys. Hand wash only!
I imagine the dryer was the culprit. Looks like I'll be hang-drying my 101MC. How much length did you lose?
@xtcclassic I would say 1.5" at least
That's a bummer @Akuma no uta . I would say that the dryer was the culprit too. I think if you cold was it again or just soak it cold water and let it hang or lay it flat to dry that you will get some length back.
I've noticed you can get quite a bit of shrink out of the UHF's. Last year when I got my black 107 I got nearly a full size worth of shrink from a warm wash/warm machine dry. This was intentional though as the XXL that I bought was a bit too big on me out of the bag and now if fits great.