I saw DJ open for The New Bomb Turks …
Awesome package! - I love the Turks
My last Danko J. live gigs were on a couple of Festivals and Concerts with other Bands like the Supersuckers, Jon Spencer Blues Explosion, Deadbolt, Nashville Pussy, Jim Jones Revue, Social Distortion or the Hives. ( a lot of excellent noise)
Fans of The Templars, and Anti-Cimex, Skitsystem, and Disfear… check this band out. Super- awesome swedecore d-beat. This is from their new cassette tape, (and is the most accessible song to share.)
Entire new Extreme Noise Terror album on spotify:
Saw Clutch & Planet of Zeus yesterday. Pretty awesome I must say, and the greeks made the Muricans look pretty saturated in comparison. And Noble Savage is a great tune.
I've benn slacking on the live front too much. In fact I had a bad cold yesterday, still glad that I went.
Not sure there are any Househeads on this forum but this is rockin. Proper dream team.
^ Little music bomb for y'all. ^
You are the only person I have come across who has listened to Below the Heavens by Blu and Exile. I salute you sir.
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Has anyone seen Motorhead lately? They're playing here on wednesday but the last shows I've seen were pretty, well, slow…
Has anyone seen Motorhead lately? They're playing here on wednesday but the last shows I've seen were pretty, well, slow…
That's fact - but Lemmy is (like everyone) only a human and can't wipe off his age and the decades of drug- and alcohol abuse.
Blessedly, I've saw them a lot of times in the 80's and 90's .. loud, fast and dirty! \m/