IHSH-107 - 2014 Ultra Heavy Flannel Western Shirt
If someone has a red in L-XL in nice condition, I'd like to take it off your hands!
If someone has a red in L-XL in nice condition, I'd like to take it off your hands!
Well, get in the line then.
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I really like this shirt! It's a little tight around the midriff for a portly fellow, but gives me motivation to do something about it.
If anyone has a black XL they want to sell PM me…
Just got this in, not sure about the fit, feel like it's too baggy in the arms and too long.
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Looks great to me.
Thanks guys. It's in the wash now, I usually wear my tops much more fitted and trim, but after my shrinking debacle with my 127's I'm switching all flannels to XL.
Maybe it's just the picture, but it looks perfectly fitted and trim to me. I think you'll be fine even if it doesn't shrink much.
Looks good to me.
Hot wash made it much better
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Looks the same just better light in the room for this flick. Either way as long as you happy with it.
Such a great fit @Akuma no uta - looks just perfect from here (post wash)!