IHSH-130 - Ultra Heavy Ombre Check Western Flannnels
Thank you @xtcclassic !
Hey everyone, my name is Tom and I'm new to the forum. I figured I should start getting more active seeing as I really love IH and this community. So here's a picture of my favorite UHF! They still have some at Self Edge so if you're on the fence I think you should snag one. I have a picture of the blue one as well but the file size is currently too big! I have no idea how to fix that so I'll ask the gf for some help and then post that.
Yeah, welcome. Good post too. Where are you in the world?
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I used to do the same until my wife corrected me.
Wives are good at that !
Awesome pics like these make me a bit saddish for not grabbing a red one when I had the opportunity to do so
I actually went so far as to get a work shirt in blue and a western in red. That kind of excess is not normally something I can justify, but these were too nice.
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@Traser2g nice fit. thanks for sharing
Cheers Monday. Least I can do with all the great contributions around here.
Will be released in the west soon