Revisiting Old Classics - Should We/Shouldn't We?
I'll add my vote for re-runs, and don't see that it does any harm, in fact quite surprised by some of the views expressed here. I can honestly say that rarity has never been a factor in my decision to purchase any piece of IH clothing, rather it's the material, workmanship, style and the knowledge that it's been ethically sourced and manufactured.
I've been around long enough to have had the opportunity to buy some of these now extinct pieces, but couldn't afford or justify all of them, so would really appreciate the chance to do so.
I'm not calling this should we do re-runs simply because we re-run loads of products, i.e. most if not all of our extant items have multiple runs.
But please have your say here…....
I'm fascinated by the diversity of opinion and don't have a strong view one way or the other. But, I guess my view, if pressed is that to the people who care about having (let's say) an IHSH-20, will know within themselves they have an original and that all subsequent similar iterations are "not the real thing". It's the same as watches, cars, almost anything, there is always value in rarity, some people are obsessed with having the original run, others simply don't give a crap as long as what they have tells the time or gets them from A to B....
I came late to the party, so of course i'd like to see some re runs of the sought after pieces, they must be good if people are still talking about them, so why wouldn't I want one? and besides, surely there are only so many good colour/pattern combinations you can design before you re visit the classics.
I would love to see the return of select items. For those that have the pieces already know they have that 20 and they will either,want others to enjoy similar items, or they can let everyone know they are an OG if they feel it's necessary. Your brand is always growing and gaining enthusiastic fans, so as long as the runs are carefully selected I am all for it. Only people that should get mad are the ones trying to sell original items for more than the AIDS pill.
Take the 107, it's not just the pattern, capturing that extra fluffy blanketey quality of the fabric again is just as important.
My opinion is a mixed bag. I can appreciate keeping some of the OGs limited, yet understand the longing to be able to collect what's been missed. I think the best of both worlds might be the most fruitful. A direct rerun of certain items could be cool. However, seeing reruns of fabrics that are sought after in a variant cut, could maintain a balance between extinct and collectable.
I feel with classic designs such as the buffalo check which is re-released under new IHSH numbers, why not do the same for other classic designs such as the IHSH-10, IHSH-19, IHSH-31 to name but a few. I realise how difficult it can be to find early original IHSH releases so surely re-releasing classic designs under new IHSH numbers would address this. The purists will still be able to hunt the originals and the people who absolutely love the design / pattern / colour way of a particular classic can get the shirt in its newer iteration.
A sensitive topic with enormous conflict potential.
I can understand and know both sides of the medal, as a lifetime collector of many sorts of things (records, movies, clothing, shoes, tattoos, tons of bric-a-brac, … )
It's an awesome feeling to purchase / or to own, long expected - resp. rare / limited / out of stock items.
On the other side, I'm a lazy (and impatient) bastard and hate endless searchings for this and that .. or long waiting times for new releases or appointments. ::)I wouldn't describe me as a 'fan boy' but IH is surely
one of mymy favorite brand for clothes.
Hard to see all the 'classics' from the past in the extinct section and the desire for some re-runs is very strong …
on the other side, I can understand arguments like: '… if everything gets a re-run every year or every now and then, it´s nothing else as some kind of "mass production" and takes away all the "magic" one combines with the brand.' (quote: Rafa @Finn666)But, I think the term 'magic' is and will be more appropriate for IH, than 'mass production' .. some re-runs less or more in the future.
A new CPO Jacket would be nice! -
IMHO copying the fabrics, cuts and patterns in new colourways is the way to go for IH.
So collectors still can hunt the OG and newbies which are "too lazy" can get the feeling of the older stuff.
But what do I know! H and G decide about the future orientation of this brand.
Just my thoughts don't want to harm anyone.
Enjoy ya addiction!
Well this is a very good topic and nice to see discussions on it.
I for one am NOT for rerunning classics. Its tough to put into words, but I know when I first got interested in IH and coming on the forum boards it was refreshing to see that the response used to always be; we will not rerun items (not going through old post for quotes) but that was always the response, and I must say I respected that (G and the brand). Made me super interested in the brand and want to hunt for the classics a bit more knowing that they were hard to get. I have been looking for a green 19 since i got into iron heart and my absolute grail piece. However, I would not like to see it rerun still. Once a pattern is done. Call it done. There are always going to be new patterns and colour combos coming up. By needlessly calling for reruns, people are limiting the creative potential that comes with the brand, and Hakari (look at some of the recent ihsh; 107, 87 that have become super popular). If people keep calling for reruns, that limits the possibility of other classics coming out. When you just make the same sh.t over and over it looses its appeal. To me it seems like buffalo plaids have been done to death. Don’t do the same to other patterns. Other colour variants of the classics is a much better option i feel. Its the same as the blue 20 and purple 12; there was always a clamouring for these shirts to be rerun and the answer used to be no. I can see how there would be rerun and am happy for the people that didn’t get them to have the opportunity to do so again, however what i don’t understand why you don’t do a variant to tick several boxes while not completely copying old designs. For example, people call for the viyella check and cookie monster. Why not combine the great color of the cookie monster blue with another patter. Would still be very similar but different. But times change and company views change. I will probably edit this post at some or add further. -
I've always felt the "extinct" list w/sizes and measurements is one of the most unique aspects of the website (brand), among many good things. It automatically fosters the idea for some of collectability and desiribility, while for others remains just a practical tool for buying used items. Any re-issues would seem to be neutral or even increase intrinsic value, to those who care, of their originals, while for others who don't care about that (many I think, especially new customers) give them a chance to get something they might like and missed out on.
It's clothing, not Fabrege eggs. The value is in the quality, not the rarity. If remaking an old item will make customers happy, then remake it. I don't care if it's a deadstock IHSH-35 or one fresh off the factory floor, I just want one.
The customer base even five years ago was different and smaller than it is now. Hell, for that matter, Giles was running IHUK by himself out of his basement, and now it's expanded and relocated a couple of times and has four full time workers (and yes, I know I'm being generous to count Giles as a "worker"). So the analysis of which things to make extant then was different than it is now, and an item like the IHSH-20 that everyone gets all wobbly kneed about might never have stopped production if it were introduced in 2015 instead of 2010.
Bottom line, I don't think there's any reason for any item to ever stay extinct, other than it being physically impossible to remake.
we talking about clothing here, clothing, nothing more. Magic, might or might not, happen somewhere else.
Well made, done with love, but you ain't going to get a better standing, whatever kind of respect or super power by owning it.
They might bring you a smile, since you like the design, fabric, fit, quality, feel, don't wanna run around naked, whatever, but that's pretty much is it.Iron Heart have nothing to do with mass production and even if a re-run of whatever item might happen, we are talking about quantities that mass production companies sell in a heartbeat…
There is no harm at all to give the handfull of people, who might never had a first chance to get it, something they now would love and enjoy to own.
Doesn't take away anything at all... not saying that it isn't sometimes fun to rub stuff in, or to show off with a wink...And now I'm going to put my one off IHSH-70 on.... ::)
I think re-runs are okay if they are ever so different than the original.
I joined the IH party fairly late, so I see some of these classic shirt posts being bumped on the forum and think "wow, I'd love to get my hands on one of those" since there's a lot of stuff that was made at one point and never made again. Some of the herringbone plaids and other shirts are really great, and I think they could be reran with maybe a slightly different color way.
I would understand why some people would be against reruns, but I think it would be cool to pay homage to some classics to see them remade with new, slight variations to keep them different from the originals. -
Do you value and love the item for the pattern / quality / ect or do you value it because it is rare and it makes you feel good to post pictures of your rare 'og' items on the internet?
I stand with the former - and other people or more people having the same shirt as me does nothing to curtail my enjoyment of IH.
I should add, bushmonkey has a great point: there is a certain magic that comes with H creating new items without our input. I think, as we've seen in the past few years, we can have a balance between remakes and new H classics.
Sorry Rafa, but I'm all for re-runs, especially on the classic's. I don't have the time to search the internet high and low for that grail item.I'm relatively new to IH so if I had the chance to grab a new version of say a blue ISH 20, I'd be all over it. I'm not saying all the time, but once in a while it would be good to re-make something that was so popular.
I think, as we've seen in the past few years, we can have a balance between remakes and new H classics.
Yep I can't see no reason why not remake a classic with a new number.