Revisiting Old Classics - Should We/Shouldn't We?
I think, as we've seen in the past few years, we can have a balance between remakes and new H classics.
I guess reruns are only going to be worthwhile if there is sufficient perceived demand. Even then it might not be as fun for H to be rerunning rather that dreaming up and getting new items through the production process?
What about just doing a similiar run but with updated and tweaked pattern, cut, colour and design. So there is always something new to look forward to and the old masterpieces stay unique.
I personally like both ideas of an item staying extinct or being rerun whereas I would slightly go for letting items rest in peace. Why? Then there's room for creativity and something new. I found it a bit boring to see the heavily limited runs of UHFs in Buffalo patterns only btw…
I'm all for a line of IronHeart staples like the hickory stripes, denim shirts, etc. but I want future legends. I want fresh fabrics in the traditional cuts that complement the best damn heavy denim out there. Recycling old shirts reminds me of the American auto industry…Challenger...Charger...Dart...Camaro...let em rest and keep working hard to strike up new concepts.
My grandpa has had this early 1990's Porsche Carerra 4 ever since I was a little kid. It's super special to him, fun to drive, and now, it is essentially irreplaceable - to the point that people will pay 10x what he originally paid for it. They Live in Indiana and sadly from about November to March, there is no way he could think about driving it.. nor does he want to for that matter.
For driving around town and for year round driving, he leases Acura sedans - nothing crazy special, but he likes what they offer. He gets a new model every 3 years and drives the hell out of them while he has them. Luckily for him, Acura keeps making the same cars year after year and they keep getting better. Better electronics, better handling, better leather for the seats, etc…
The same can be said about IH. We all need those staple items - the IHSH-13, the 21s, the 07 and the 62 to wear every week and when we want a new one, we can grab one without waiting very long every once and a while H will find a new gauge of thread, a new way to make the color better, or perhaps the factory will make a change we get to experience something special because of i, even with the continually produced items.
Porsche will never bring back the old air cooled engines, simply because technology has improved so much that they know how to make things more efficiently now. Luckily for the younger generation, those of us that are nostalgic about things such as driving around in your grandpas convertible, or seeing old photos of Peterrock in a badass IH Flannel - We can relive that nostalgia with the recent renditions of these classics - both Carerras and UHFs.
Just my 2 cents.
Back to scheduled programming.
I came late to the party, so of course i'd like to see some re runs of the sought after pieces, they must be good if people are still talking about them, so why wouldn't I want one? and besides, surely there are only so many good colour/pattern combinations you can design before you re visit the classics.
It's clothing, not Fabrege eggs. The value is in the quality, not the rarity. If remaking an old item will make customers happy, then remake it. I don't care if it's a deadstock IHSH-35 or one fresh off the factory floor, I just want one.
The customer base even five years ago was different and smaller than it is now. Hell, for that matter, Giles was running IHUK by himself out of his basement, and now it's expanded and relocated a couple of times and has four full time workers (and yes, I know I'm being generous to count Giles as a "worker"). So the analysis of which things to make extant then was different than it is now, and an item like the IHSH-20 that everyone gets all wobbly kneed about might never have stopped production if it were introduced in 2015 instead of 2010.
Bottom line, I don't think there's any reason for any item to ever stay extinct, other than it being physically impossible to remake.
I agree
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I only want things that are so rare they haven't ever come into existence.
Alternatively I only want to see a re-run of something I missed out on first time around but NOTHING ELSE!
Or perhaps I just want a re-run of everything now that my mum has finally let me choose my own clothes.
finally i came along to read the whole thread (which was created by @Chris btw.) and have to say that @bushmonkey @Clint_D @Anesthetist is where it´s at imo…
still i would love to know and hear what @madmonday @PETEROCK1 @DrPat @Daveo @Jestre have to say about this!?
@madmonday i think i know why
…thanks for getting back to brother.
Very well written, Appfaff!
Thanks! I enjoy seeing the classics remade, but in different ways - make the red 51 a work shirt, turn the brown 38 into a western, heck - turn the MKII into a single pocket oxford cut… it let's us relive the past while still moving into the future.
Great: now I want an old Porsche.
If only… - old school cool, right here.
Old is the new new
^we talking bout shirts and flannels here Gav! -.- @Megatron1505 …hahaha
That and my creaking joints
I was asked for my opinion on this topic so here it is….
I'm not a collector. I'm not into stamps, coins, baseball cards, glass dolls, My Little Pony, or anything else that will clutter my apartment. The main reason I buy Ironheart instead of comparable brands such as Flat Head and Sugar Cane is that it fits me the best. I buy Ironheart instead of mass-market brands because of quality and design and because it's not made in a sweatshop.
I don't mind if classics are re-released. In fact, sometimes I'm upset I didn't wait longer because the second and third iterations are often better than the original. The deck jacket is a classic example of this. I know that it's impossible, but it would be great to know when Ironheart is planning to release a product with continuous improvements over several years.
It's been proven that scarcity strongly influences decision making (read Influence: Science and Practice by Robert Cialdini if you are interested in this sort of thing). This means it's smart business practice for Giles to label products as endangered. I'm more likely to fill out "the form" or sit by my computer waiting for a product to go live if I know that only a few items are available. But my motivation for buying something is that I like it for what it is, not because I want to complete my collection or show off to other members of the forum that I'm one of the few lucky ones to snag a rare item.
Product that I would like to see re-issued: IHSH-61 (the military shirt). Without the lettering, of course.
Product that should have died a horrible death: IHSH-08. I bought the second iteration of this shirt. Soap gets stuck in the fabric and makes white streaks and lines. I have to put it on the rinse cycle 4 times to get all the soap out. Any type of abrasion (even from the gentle cycle of my washing machine) is visible. And the tight fit in the armpits makes it necessary to wash this shirt more than usual.