The Flat Head
Thanks man!
I would say under a year and a half of everyday wear. Wash every 2-4 weeks, which is why it isn't super contrasty. Still very impressive to me how not washed out they are though.
that fabric & those buttons are insane.
great pick-up @summ3rhays
Thanks Monday!
Awesome-looking shirt! I love how they made the vertical black dobby stripes even more intricate compared to previous versions of the fabric. And that tag is really cool, I've never seen that one before.
As usual, flat head raising the bar! Good taste. I really want them to make the green color again.
Are the Buttons plastic or metal?
@Max Power, I tried that shirt on in SE and I'm pretty sure the buttons were plastic but I could be wrong.
Thanks for the pics zatenm! Very helpful, and the jacket looks awesome.
Looking great @twin and good combo