Giles Hits Oman….
Bless him, he's on Cloud 9: "it's a fish of a lifetime", which presumably means he won't ever want to go again, having reached such a pinnacle
First 'war wounds' ?
Unfortunately, I do not have a video of how that happened. But I had to move from the middle of the boat to the back to play the fish. I was slightly off balance and the fish made a run, I ended up on my knee's being pulled off the boat, I had to be grabbed around the ankles and be pulled back in. True story…
I'm taking the crew down to The Brewpot for beers to celebrate Giles's great fishing achievements!
Bloody hell!
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Once the fish is safely in the boat, which with fish this large is a 2 person job, we keep them wet & oxygenated by pouring water over them and their gills…
We then place on a carrying/weighing mat & weigh, and measure…
And that info is recorded and the fish is then tagged with that info. The tag is the blue thing just forward of the dorsal fin…
(notice that I have removed the barbs from the hooks to cause as little damage to the fish as possible…)
Unfortunately, I do not have a video of how that happened. But I had to move from the middle of the boat to the back to play the fish. I was slightly off balance and the fish made a run, I ended up on my knee's being pulled off the boat, I had to be grabbed around the ankles and be pulled back in. True story…
I would pay good money to watch this video if it existed.
Fishing Joke-Four guys on a fishing trip. First guy says Man I had to clean the whole house to come on this trip. Second guy says me to I had to paint the kitchen to come on this trip. Third guy says I had to clean out the garage to be here. The fourth guy is being real quiet,so they ask what about you? He says the alarm went off at 3 this morning,I turned to the wife and said fishing or sex? She said take a sweater you'll be cold. Looks like an amazing trip.–Jett
A 40Kg plus GT is a GT fisherman's dream….
A 60Kg is a pipe dream.Today, I did both (in the right order):
Needless to say, I have a load more images and a 10minute vid of me playing the 45. It makes for some humorous viewing....(yes, I was completely and utterly fucked......)Wtf they're monsters ! :o That's got to be a workout congratulations Giles
Nice joke @Jett129 - made me giggle!