Jewelry - Silver/Gold/Pendants/Rings/Bracelets
I have almost that exact Masonic ring…its sized for my pinky and one of my favorites. Could you recommend a solid, thin silver cuff?? I've been looking around for one for a while and missed the boat on a tFH one about a month ago. Salud!
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The Guardian Bell was super expensive and we only made 21. H gave me an early prototype as a present and I gave one to Roger from VMC (for being a genuinely great guy). I can't get any more. I have 3 of the feathers inbound (Paula does not know otherwise they would mysteriously disappear before I got them online)
Any clue as to a price point in a feather?
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Hello everyone, my name is Nick and I'm from Sydney, Australia, and been making mens rings for a few years now. A recent customer told me she first heard of me through this thread, and that I should join. I was completely oblivious that forums like this existed! Great stuff.
Anyway, hope I'm not breaking any forum rules by showing you guys my stuff here. Genuinely don't want to come across as advertising my stuff here, but thought some of you might actually be interested in what I make/give feedback etc., because in Australia there isn't much of a community for this sort of thing compared to other parts of the world.
Here's a photo of the sort of stuff I do.
My website is
Really cool, @nickclifford_tdr.
A friend of mine, here in Adelaide, recently grabbed the #002.
agreed! … beautiful jewelry @nickclifford_tdr
@dylantbmayes nice one. They happy with it?
@Finkster cheers!
He sure was, Nick!
Awesome! Now my prey can't scurry away.
Cheers from the mobile
Ok…I got one more ring, I only really wear 2 "normally", 3 if I am feeling extra flash. This will def be one of my favorites when it gets here this week, plus got it for a good price
Oxidized 925 silver
I just can't even find a bracelet I really really like…maybe not for me. I have found one that makes me drool though!