Guitars anyone???
I'm not sure a cheap solid state guitar amp fits the IH ethos.
I think I tend to agree. I don't want to shit on the effort as I totally think rock & roll and iron heart go hand in hand, but chinese solid state practice amps don't really fit with the ultra stubborn hardcore quality to last a lifetime model that iron heart was built on.
Now, i think that, were iron heart to do an amp, and it was going to be a VOX amp, the JMI AC30 would be fantastic. Its actually still hand made in Britain to vintage specs by ex-jennings employees. This is the absolute closest thing you are going to get to a vintage ac30 anywhere in the world. problem with these are they are handmade and in small numbers and are upwards of $3000. Though that actually isn't that expensive for a botique amplifier.
Another route that would be cool is MATAMP I honestly think these fit the IH brand about the best out of any amp maker out there right now. They are big and loud and old school and hand made by the same dudes that have been doing them since the 50's.
Do a 100w GT1 covered in IH selvage denim with an IH x MATAMP faceplate and I don't think I could stop myself from buying one. Also these guys have a garbage web presence but they still move units, so maybe @Giles can convince them to put together a webshop.Things i think IH should look into that aren't exactly amps but still guitar related:
Guitar picks
Gig bags (could even do them with thrux. that would be awesome) -
Erm (hope Vox is not reading this)….
Seriously no hate though…ill probably buy one just because its really quirky and a neat conversation piece.
I'd definitely be interested in a guitar strap, especially a denim over leather one, IH could do a collab with a boutique strap maker like Jodi Head or even Levy's. A quality hard case covered in denim would also rule – like a tweed Fender case but covered in denim. That would be fantastic.
Man id really like a nice gig bag made from leather and denim or the heavy duty canvas that thrux lawrence uses…
Matt Codina does some really sick old school horsehide straps... it would be cool to see IH get in on some stuff like this....
so start saving the hemming remnants. please. got some ideas for their use related to rock gear.
Thanks @Beerhammer - I need a guitar strap.
For anyone else who's interested, here's the Condina Leather guitar straps page.
Btw… I've made a few guitar straps.
An example of a music festival strap that has tuner, bottle opener, flashlight etc...
It COULD use a I
️ patch tho.
Jus sayin…
Btw… I've made a few guitar straps.
An example of a music festival strap that has tuner, bottle opener, flashlight etc...
Jeebus, it's like a Swiss Army guitar strap! All you're missing is a tool to cut fresh strings
Lol. The hippie in me doesn't allow for cut strings at festivals.
Does anyone have advice for a beginner's left handed acoustic guitar? I'm thinking of taking some lessons, but the choices are fairly limited for us lefties (because of the global rightie conspiracy to keep us down and all that :)).
So far I'm looking at the Fender CD-100 LH.
Learn right handed… :|
Seriously tho: budget enough to get a decent quality instrument -not overboard- that has a good sound and is comfortable for you to hold. This will make your playing, practicing and learning more enjoyable.
You should have several south paw options in the $500 range. is a decent resource for finding a range of instruments based on specific criteria.
For your first, id also recommend playing the instrument before you buy vs mail order to make sure it "feels" right (as a beginner you'll probably at least know what doesn't feel right).
Good luck in the search. Its one of my favorite pasttimes. And post up when you get one.
I'm left handed and use right handed guitar for my whole life. Honestly because I didn't know that left handed guitars existed. But you're better off learning right handed because all you have to teach your right hand to do is strum while your left hand does all the hard technique. Buy the Yamaha FG-700S usually about $199 and go on sale at Guitar Center a lot.
@michaeljcr I sold guitars for almost 20 years and I agree with @Fadez and @mikebarhoot . My advice? Go to GC, get an FG700S, start lessons immediately, practice for 20-30 minutes every day, and see how you feel in 3 weeks or so. If you still feel like you really need to learn lefty, take advantage of GC's 30-day return policy and get the CD100L. Don't spend less than $199 on a starter guitar (stick with Yamaha or Fender in this price range), and spend more if you can afford to. For around $500-ish you can get a Seagull which is a great upgrade compared to Yamaha and Fender, and a few hundred more will get you a Taylor.
Martin's go really nice w 25oz XHS too. So if yer gonna spend a coupla hunderd more. Go ahead and spen a few more Gs and get a Martin.
Remember… its not how you play but how you look while playing.
Learn right handed… :|
Seriously tho: budget enough to get a decent quality instrument -not overboard- that has a good sound and is comfortable for you to hold. This will make your playing, practicing and learning more enjoyable.
You should have several south paw options in the $500 range. is a decent resource for finding a range of instruments based on specific criteria.
For your first, id also recommend playing the instrument before you buy vs mail order to make sure it "feels" right (as a beginner you'll probably at least know what doesn't feel right).
Good luck in the search. Its one of my favorite pasttimes. And post up when you get one.
Ha! Yes, I thought about just playing right handed. I've read up a lot on that and, while I'm sure I can, I think I might be better served going leftie.A few friends have recommended buying from my local shop, rather than mail order, which I will do, and arrange lessons through them. I can order pretty much anything through them.
Thanks for the advice!
I'm left handed and use right handed guitar for my whole life. Honestly because I didn't know that left handed guitars existed. But you're better off learning right handed because all you have to teach your right hand to do is strum while your left hand does all the hard technique. Buy the Yamaha FG-700S usually about $199 and go on sale at Guitar Center a lot.
Cheers! I think I'm going to try left-handed, but that's two votes for going rightie so far. Decisions, decisions…
@michaeljcr I sold guitars for almost 20 years and I agree with @Fadez and @mikebarhoot . My advice? Go to GC, get an FG700S, start lessons immediately, practice for 20-30 minutes every day, and see how you feel in 3 weeks or so. If you still feel like you really need to learn lefty, take advantage of GC's 30-day return policy and get the CD100L. Don't spend less than $199 on a starter guitar (stick with Yamaha or Fender in this price range), and spend more if you can afford to. For around $500-ish you can get a Seagull which is a great upgrade compared to Yamaha and Fender, and a few hundred more will get you a Taylor.
I'm in the UK, so they're sadly not an option. We have a local store that's part of the Rimmers Music, a local chain in the North West of England. They seem pretty friendly at the local store near where I live and do part exchange etc. so I could try either way and not lose out too much on swapping. They can arrange lessons as well. they seem to be out of stock of the FG700S right now. I'd need to special order the Fender LH anyway, so no great problem.
Now I'm torn! I'll have a think about it. I learned to shoot right handed at school, in the cadets, as we were using right handed bolt action rifles, and found that no problem. I qualified full marksman at UK Army standards in .22, 5.56 and 7.42. Not nearly the same thing, of course, but I'm one of those people who writes left-handed, but uses my knife and fork and computer mouse the 'right' way around. So not too big a stretch.
Thanks again for all the advice.