IH-666SII - 18oz Indigo/Indigo Slim Cut Jean
Thanks @davito & @pillowPANTS. I do love the jeans.
Killer as always @nizzel55!
here is a quick update on my pair at 9 months, 1 initial soak and 2 washes. I love this denim and the way it fades to a whiter contrast.
Awesome. Such a beautiful color on these.
These are definitely going to be my next pair.
278 days 1 soak and 5 machine washes.
@nizzel55 you are clearly a denim fading master not of this earth. I would not be surprised if you are the second coming of Jesus, because Jesus would obviously wear denim since it's the fabric of the people. Banter aside, I was hoping you could answer some questions for me.
1. Is there anything in particular you do to prepare your jeans prior to their first wear? I ask this because your combs look nearly identical on your 666-SR's.
2. You said you machine washed five times. I've tried machine washing before and the wrinkling and folding that happens in the machine can mess with already-established fade patterns on my jeans. Honeycombs might form differently, for instance.
Haha. Thanks @awalden .
1. I soaked them in the tub in hot water for an hour or so. Using as hot water as I could get from the tub. I added some hot water after 30 minutes or so. And I tried to agitate them as well once in a while.
I did the same with my 666S.
With my 666UHR I followed the instructions given when I got the jeans
A cold soak and then a 30 degree machine wash inside out, then turned them outside out before they where completely dry and tried to "smooth" out any unwanted wrinkles :).
The combs are quite different on all my pairs I would say
2. Before I always turned all my jeans inside out when washing them. With these I have just left them with cuffs being cuffed and not turning them (outside out). 30 degrees C. no spin cycle. They are always wet as hell when I take them out. I straight them out while hanging on a hanger and try to shape the jeans sort of while they are wet. Then I just let them hang in a dry room or whatever you call it. So that they dry faster :).
Then when they are dry they are ready to be put to some more use and abuse.With my older jeans I just put them in 40 or 60 degrees, no spin cycle. Once the combs are thoroughly set they usually fall into place again I have noticed.
Stacks on the other hand seems to live their own life I have noticed. I have had some problem with them changing place in the past. I think turning them outside out while they are damp mess things up. Therefore I tried this approach instead.
I love watching jeans evolve and change.
I wish my combs did not crack on all my jeans. Washing early or often does not really seem to matter for me. I guess I got sharp hair on my legs or something tearing them apart from the inside.
@enell s pair is holding up a lot better then my pair for some reason. Even though he only got one wash on them and probably 150 more days of wear ( or more) at this point.
By the way I use a front loaded machine. Never tried anything else.