Iron Heart Products - What do you think we should make?
I have an Imogene and Willie western with 3 snap cuffs and honestly prefer the simpler IH cuff.
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One sawtooth western would be cool.
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First zip jacket in green paraffin coated duck (same fabric as the IHE-17 ) with orange rayon or blanket lining and beefed-up zipper.
Throwing this out there knowing G says retailers aren't crazy about green tops. Still, would be awesome IMO -
I have an Imogene and Willie western with 3 snap cuffs and honestly prefer the simpler IH cuff.
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Being from Texas, I wore plenty of three button cuff westerns growing up. They make rolling the sleeves nearly Impossible, and at best, very uncomfortable. And it's harder to layer thin layers on top of them, too.
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A 555 or 777 in the brwon cotton duck fabric would be great.
A workshirt made of this 10.5oz white herringbone fabric that the new 812's are made of
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