25oz Indigo/Indigo…....
How about a short type II jean jacket? (W hand pockets!)
Definitely a pair for me
First seen this. Hopefully winter buy!
Oh man. Cant wait!
I really hope these come to IHUK!
Was gonna go for the regular 25oz until I stumbled across this!
I really hope these come to IHUK!
Was gonna go for the regular 25oz until I stumbled across this!
Thats exactly what I was thinking.
I was going to go for the standard 18oz offering, but fingers crossed the 25oz comes to fruition.
The 25oz is a great weight (for cooler weather). Happy to see it with the Hank dyed weft. Love
All I can hope is a 634 with a slightly more tapered hem than normal, ha.
That won't happen
@Giles I forget when your 666 and 634 version are supposed to released. Late this year, early next? Asking because I might have to save….thanks!
I know about the pronto, didn't know about future plans for the 634 cut in this. Oh well.