Iron Heart Coasters
Excellent pic, Casey. We haven't seen enough coaster shots around here lately.
Now I am just shamelessly copying you, Giles.:)
I found this in my favorite beer shop in Charlotte, Brawley's Beverage. This stuff is pretty good- I like your taste in beer. I'm gonna have to see if I can scrounge up some here in Texas. -
Took our coasters on a tour of some of the local wineries today:
First stop and a nice white and a very yummy sweet strong red, 9 bottles bought:
Second stop and another nice red, 6 bottles bought:
Oh shit, nice sparkly rose, 6 bottles bought:
Coaster possibly not the oldest thing here:
Quite liked these 2, so another 6 of each bought:
Lunch with my father, this was the only wine we could drink:
Although I was not driving, thought I better go non alcoholic for the drive home:
Oh, and we stopped at another place on the way home and squeezed another dozen bottle into the car….