IHSH-155 - Ultra Heavy Flannel Check Crazy Check Western
And - if I'm not mistaken - there was a sax / blue sample of the original 107 fabric, that didn't make it.
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Oh snap. That blue 107 looks cool. Wonder if there's any prototypes/samples floating around??
yeah that's definitely a blue to my eye. It is the same color of the blue line in the black and red 107 is what it looks like to me.
Its def blue. Plus the other colors in it are dif then the green. The green looked pretty rasta man and this doesnt at all
Yeah I noticed that my blue is a bit shorter than my black. I went XL in both and they both fit but blue is noticeably shorter.
@Giles by clicking -> MEASUREMENTS -> Show in cm the Tag Size, like Shoulder, Length, Chest… disappear and 0.0 is displayed.
@Giles by clicking -> MEASUREMENTS -> Show in cm the Tag Size, like Shoulder, Length, Chest… disappear and 0.0 is displayed.
Hmmmmm, thanks….. I think I need to pass that one over to @The Web Minions
@Madame Buttonfly says she knows what to do…...