What's your favorite Beer?
https://www.ratebeer.com/beer/nogne-o–terrapin-imperial-rye-porter/167804/99% // 98% / 99%.
Your beershopper knows his shit...
Founders Lizard of Koz. This one is super sweet, blueberry up front when cold yielding to rich chocolate as it warms. Decent brew but I'd struggle to drink a whole bottle
New Holland Dragon's Milk Coconut Rum barrel. This was like a Mounds bar dipped in rum. Definitely the better of the two
Founders Breakfast Stout here as well [emoji106] I need to pick up a couple of Christmas bombs, I'm wanting some spicy beer.
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I picked up some Backwoods Bastard at the same time. Haven't tried it yet.
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My local grocery store recently opened up a growler station. I've never really tried the growler thing out before.
Well tonight I saw they had Pirate Bomb, and only 15 dollars for a 32 oz. fill up. The 12 oz. bottles cost about 12.5/13 dollars so it was quite the deal. And it's one of my favorite beers so I had to get some.
Happy camper.