Iron Heart Restocks & Arrivals
Thanks G, looking forward to whenever they make it up! No rush!
Still expecting zee 718s this week…. trying to determine when to count the chickens.
@Giles what is the 526N?
@manufc10 - here were some early prototype pics
Edit: photos re a few scrolls up on the page I linked.
@manufc10 - here were some early prototype pics
Edit: photos re a few scrolls up on the page I linked.
thanks man!
Giles when will the 634 SBG be here?
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As per another conversation happening elsewhere on the forum at the moment, we have released a load (far too much actually) of great stuff recently. We have not had a feeding frenzy like we used to in the old days for at least 18 months. That's great for you guys because there is less uncertainty about whether you will get a given item or not. And in a way, it is also good for us because we do end up selling more. BUT, the downside is that our stock levels have rise dramatically, not only does that tie up working capital, any increase in stock level is taxed at the marginal rate…...That hurts us.
So Haraki and I are trying to find a better balance e that is good for us all....
I agree. I would not mind regular stuff coming in instead of a flood of too much (great) stuff that you can't afford all at the time. This fall was crazy, most items showed up within a few weeks while winter hasn't even begun. It would be great if there were still Releases in january (Christmas Money!) and february. We're not talking about fashion seasons here anyway. (I don't Need summer collections in march.)
It was nice getting some UHFs in spring & summer this year, wouldn't mind if that continued.