Iron Heart Restocks & Arrivals
My Point was just to even out the Releases, instead of two tidal waves in fall & spring. Makes it easier for us to get the Money aside and you don't end up with too large stock. But that's just the outside perspective, I know you do your best to satisfy all demands.
The past 2 collections at least….. I mean, there has been so much. S/S16 killed me... So much I liked, and I kept saying "I'll just get this one, and this one, and this one", and the more I bought, the more it fueled my shopping addiction. There is so much in the store right now that I want, but I'm really forcing myself to not buy anything. And NOW, I'm looking at S/S17 like "I need it ALL!". First world problems at it's finest for the customers, lol
^the most epic piece of IH gear ever created IMHO…
Came outa nowhere but really excited about the 1700. Looking forward to measurements!
Came outa nowhere but really excited about the 1700. Looking forward to measurements!
I think that maybe a typo? The 1700 referred to there is surely the IHT-1700 (printed version of the IHT-1610) that indeed arrived on the 15.2 the day after this post. The IHTL-1700 is coming on Monday I think.
But hell yes it's exciting.
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Early March.