Anyone here play video games?
I loved my Performer 8 results and played Fire Watch early last year when it was released, thoroughly enjoyed the game.
Honestly need to go back and play it again, thanks for the reminder!I like metal gear solid and fifa apart from that not much.
@TerryYoung Not a bad mix though!
- topic:timeago-later,22 days
@wolfblood your user name reminds me of Glenn Danzig. Resident Evil 7 was alright. I guess it was more less made to be experienced in VR. I thought it could have used a little more enemy variety. And I like Resident Evil 4's emphasis on combat. I thought the game could have used a little more action and most of the molded you can just run past. It was way better than the trash that was Resident Evil 6.
Anybody here getting Nioh? I cashed in some hotel points and bought a PS4PRO. I basically got it to play this game. I played the demo and it was the most difficult game I've ever played. But I love the theme of a Samurai rpg. I'm probably gonna get it and just practice until I can master the Ki pulse system. I hope maybe the final version of the game has some less powerful enemies at the beginning to grind levels and practice on.
Also, is anybody getting Nintendo Switch? I am so excited to play Zelda Breath of the Wild.
@wolfblood yeah that and he has that tattooed on his arm.
It looks pretty cool. At least the cinematics do. I'd like to know what kind of game it is. It's supposed to be something completely different. I can't wait for this year's E3 so maybe that will have some gameplay. If we have to wait all the way until the Tokyo Game Show in the fall to see it, that'll suck.
@wolfblood watch this. It's about Death Stranding. It's particularly interesting near the end where it discusses the multi-universe theory and it's implications for multiplayer in the game.
I'm really excited for this game. It comes out Valentines day. The British are responsible for all my favorite stuff.
Free fan made Mega Man/Rockman game for PC, 8 years in the making can be found here. I'm downloading it now. I'd get it quick before Capcom takes it down!
- topic:timeago-later,10 days
Sniper Elite 4 launch trailer. The entire trailer is in-game footage. This game got pushed back a year, last year. It looks like the extra year paid off because the game looks fantastic. If only Rebellion would make that Sniper Elite: Aliens vs. Predator game I want so badly.
- topic:timeago-later,10 days
Sniper Elite 4 is a great game. I just beat it a couple days ago. Did you know it was made by a studio in Oxford, UK?
I didn't know that @Filthy25ozJunkie That's pretty cool. Today is payday so hopefully i'll get it today and then my weekend will be lost