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I'm trying to update our Wiki page which I think looks fine now but it's still saying that the 'article has several issues'
Could anyone who's Wiki savvy have a look & let me know where we're going wrong https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iron_Heart_(brand) Also reference links. They have me stumped. HELPPPPP!
It works fine for me but your link was missing a ")". Pretty cool.
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@DrBabyhorse thanks for the advice. No idea why the last ) wasn't showing up. so I've put a new link in which works just fine!
@Giles where did you buy them? What brand were they?
Shirt - Levis
Jeans - WranglerShirt - An awful mans shop in Dorridge precinct - but did have a load of decent Levi's stuff in the early 70's
Jeans - Bull Ring Centre, Birmingham - just down the way from where I bought OzWas the denim still selvedge in the early 70's?
Has anyone been to Japan in August? Looking at climate diagrams it appears to be super hot. Is that true and is it a bearable dry heat or humid? Tokyo, Osama and Kyoto would be some of the destinations.
I've been early September, it is humid AF!
November weather is a lot nicer.
I would say it's possible for the denim to go up a size. No idea on the real waist size of a brand new 30". Assuming they are a legitimate 30 I would expect them to be uncomfortable in the waist for at least a few weeks to a month before the desired stretch is obtained. Personally I'd be more concerned with what the thigh measurement is compared to your other jeans. You want to be sure you can get your legs in them before even attempting to button up.
If the thighs aren't a problem and you think the waist would be button-able, just tight, to begin with then I would personally go for it. I'm assuming you are getting a good deal on the jeans if you are going for a size not typically your norm? Another assumption is that the pair you are getting are not unsanforized/loomstate….. If so then I definitely do not recommend purchasing as you will lose considerable waist circumference when they touch water.
I've been early September, it is humid AF!
November weather is a lot nicer.
Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately we don't have a choice of the month we're going, it would be August. Humidity and heat is something I can't take though…
I've been early September, it is humid AF!
November weather is a lot nicer.
Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately we don't have a choice of the month we're going, it would be August. Humidity and heat is something I can't take though…
You will be dealing with a lot of both