Random Love (anti-rants)
I came very, very close to launching all my Apple gear off my balcony a few years ago. Yet another of their seemless software 'upgrades' meant that everything went from working fine to utterly borked in minutes.
15 years ago I hated Apple then my girlfriend made me love them. I'm pretty much back to where I started these days, but have so much kit I feel a bit stuck.
The perfect crime.
@Giles , I'll consult Tommy for the actual number of stairs travelled by you MBP
I nearly asked you to ask him. It fell from the landing outside our bedroom to half way down the flight of stairs leading to the rear porch, it was a rizla paper's thickness away from dropping through the bannisters a second time when it came to rest, then it would have been toast as it would have fallen onto the stone flags…..
That is quite a drop, it's nice that you finally got away with not destroying a MacBook
Loving the partnerships between IH and Pronto, some first rate collaborative efforts and intriguing items
@Joule sent me tags for a purchase I made weeks back & made my day
my doggies have been going to the doggie park & I now believe no matter what differences people have dogs make almost everyone a nicer person . . . & I'm not even a dog dude
Good to see this…............... IH-XxXx!
Good to know you enjoy it!
It was a pain to let it go..........................This will be my ultimate post, when I see a self used IH garment again!
You guys sold me something,….............,no pain for me up to now .........
@Max Power
@trail and arrow