Spring/Summer 2017 - Line Sheets, Pretty Pictures and Pricing
Yippee! Thanks…@Lindsey.
Is it very burdensome to change the snaps at home? Say I wanted the diamonds for the rodeo Fri
then dial down the urban cowboy look for the punk show on Sat
--how easy to go back and forth?
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Better just to find some cowboy punk bands to go see. The Mekons perhaps.
Changing snaps is quite an undertaking. The more you do it, the more likely you are to damage the fabric. Also, once a snap has been set, and/or ripped out, it isn't reusable. It would be expensive to change all the time.
Someone should design snaps with changeable covers. If it doesn't exist, already.
@Dishelveled noooo! We agree with @sabergirl & wouldn't recommend changing snaps more than once. The process it quite rough & causes stress on the fabric. Multiple upgrades would cause the fabric around the area to perish pretty quickly!
Good call @setandsetting–just registered 'cowpunk.com' (jk)
Thanks for the insight @sabergirl and great idea with the modular snap covers. Running with your idea--snap covers to be put on regular shirt buttons converting them to 1/2 westerns instantly
@Lindsey that makes sense, esp with a 4.5oz fabric. Even unsnapping my 143 I try to do so gently, as the fabric seems so fine and I'd be all butt hurt if it ripped
Cheers, guys...
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Wow; Pure stunner!
What's the price and will other vendors be getting these? -
Wow; Pure stunner!
What's the price and will other vendors be getting these?Pricing sheet is linked on first post of the thread.
Here in about a week…..
Is anyone interested in buying everything I own so I can get one of these ?
Wow; Pure stunner!
What's the price and will other vendors be getting these?The Low Down on Denim
Unknown People