Giles Kanreki Suprise
Happy Birthday G!
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It's not for months you lot…...(he says, clinging on to his '50's)...
We know, we just couldn't trust you not book a
drinking sessionmeeting when you are meant to be at White Kloud -
I know it'll be quite the wait before receiving your White Kloud boots but it'll be worth it and I'm certain you'll feel like your walking on cloud nine in your White Klouds. Thanks G x
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evenjust a pretty face -
Boom! Big up to Gav, for hatching the plan and executing it perfectly.
What neph said @Megatron1505 - well played, sir.
Look forward to seeing what you go for @Giles x
I love how well this worked out. Enjoy it G!!!!
Indeed it was glorious watching the inevitability unfold as young G-San took the bait!
Thanks again for organising Gav
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I knew Giles would be completely bowled over by your kindness and generosity, HUGE thanks to @Megatron1505 and @Seul and everyone else who made this incredibly generous and thoughtful surprise happen. I promise to make sure he gets to the fitting at the right time on the right date!
Not to mention the masses of help behind the scenes from @Madame Buttonfly and @Sarina , without whom Giles would be getting an Amazon voucher