Spring/Summer 2017 - Line Sheets, Pretty Pictures and Pricing
Here on Monday 8th:
Read all about it:
Small - 19.5x124cm
USD25Large - 80x172cm
USD75Complete the form if you want an email when they hit…
Will sell out in nanoseconds, no doubt
Omg….had no idea 634 xhsOD was coming....I should start saving!
lol ^^
Seul is praying they make a face cloth
Here on Monday 8th:
Read all about it:
Small - 19.5x124cm
USD25Large - 80x172cm
USD75Complete the form if you want an email when they hit…
Sorry. Won't be here Monday. Golden Week in Japan has caused UPS pick up delays. I'll give an updated arrival time when I get firm info…..
My First Zip is feeling a bit tight in the chest, so I've got my eye out for a replacement. My list of contenders is now up to four. (IHxPxT1, IHJ-56, IHJ-58, and the IHJ-60.)
There's been a run of non-traditional denim jackets recently, and I'm liking what's coming out. I just hope that Haraki hasn't got anything else in the pipeline…
IH-717-BLK - complete and ready to ship to IHUK….
Yes! Can we fill out a form for this?
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That's like me in the 80's. Putting off buying a CD player because I thought something new and better would come out…In the end I got bored of waiting...
It's not so much a case of waiting for something better, but rather having too many options, and hoping that nothing else comes out!