IH-526L - 19oz Left-Hand Twill Selvedge Denim Type III - Indigo
Or do a jacket in the XHS because why not
because why not
Because it would be impossible to produce these in any (if any at all) meaningful quantities. Constructing the jeans are on the edge of what is possible, a Type III is significantly more complex from a constructional point of view….
Rip that dream. Yeah I kind of figured it would be nigh impossible
@Morrvi it looks like a damn good fit to me.
I always felt "IH-526L" is little bit too stiff, I love it tho
anyone has this experience with compare with this one? if the difference is more than 20% I am ready to sell IH-526L and go with this one!!!
Has anyone hot soaked this yet? Curious about shrinkage.
I hot soaked mine and pretty much got the .5 inch of shrink that @Giles put in the description
Just bought a XXL on a trip to rivet and hide. Shoulders are a little boxy at the moment but they will drop with wear and a soak. Other than that fits like a dream. Sleeves are a good length too. Not quite as long as my 17oz natural indigo type III, which is a good thing as far as I'm concerned. All in all a beautiful jacket. Very happy.
Great buy @Stuart.T I've always coveted this but the modified type III's are not for my body type. Love to see a fit pic:)
Really happy with this jacket. Wore it last night and today so I'll give it a soak this week and hopefully put some fit pics up after 1 soak. The combination of slightly longer body (doesn't ride up when I sit down/drive) and slightly shorter sleeve than some IH type III make this pretty perfect for me.]
Just bought a XXL on a trip to rivet and hide. Shoulders are a little boxy at the moment but they will drop with wear and a soak. Other than that fits like a dream. Sleeves are a good length too. Not quite as long as my 17oz natural indigo type III, which is a good thing as far as I'm concerned. All in all a beautiful jacket. Very happy.
That's what puts me off pulling the trigger. The shoulders look absolutely huge. I'm not the sort of person who wears the same jacket everyday too, simply as i own so many great jackets. so not really sure theer's much point in me buying it. Looks like it's designed to be worn everyday for a few years in order to get the full aesthetic & fit.
Soaked today for 1hr at 30 degree in bath. I'm leaving it out over night to dry. Definitely some shrinkage. I just put it on damp to stretch it where needed. I think the shoulders have calmed a bit! Chest and waist ok, I'm hoping the 'problem midriff will be ok too.
Soaked today for 1hr at 30 degree in bath. I'm leaving it out over night to dry. Definitely some shrinkage. I just put it on damp to stretch it where needed. I think the shoulders have calmed a bit! Chest and waist ok, I'm hoping the 'problem midriff will be ok too.
@Stuart.T I was able to shrink my size Large to a Medium with very hot water and lots of agitation, FYI.
Soaked today for 1hr at 30 degree in bath. I'm leaving it out over night to dry. Definitely some shrinkage. I just put it on damp to stretch it where needed. I think the shoulders have calmed a bit! Chest and waist ok, I'm hoping the 'problem midriff will be ok too.
@Stuart.T I was able to shrink my size Large to a Medium with very hot water and lots of agitation, FYI.
it worked out perfectly. Wore it today and it feels great. needs to wear and soften a bit. It shrunk in all the right places. Sleeves are perfect, but the body length didn't shrink to0 much, which was great for me too! really happy.
I'll try and upload some fir picks if my wife will take them!