New member "Getting To Know You" World Tour
Regal Willy. Coffee on the river
There is some stiff competition in the 'Dog in Bandana' category I think…
there's a category? often imitated never duplicated.
Regal Willy is the dogs [emoji190] Great posts, great thread
Just found out I was drinking decaf for the last week. The last 7 days now make sense.
welcome to my life forum mates.
Oh - I thought that was Gav.
Simply the colour of ONE of my testicles
What colour is the other one?
Ask your mom
THAT was YOUR mom
Planting trees at a low income housing project. The handkerchief is somewhere. Those are railcar spikes 13.75 oz.
Forehead wiper in The Colony Grill Kitchen
@Alex my time is nearly at a close. Who is next ok the list? I went through the thread but I can't find the list. I thought there was one.