@JCMx800 that's a cool set of hands.
Snake tattoo by Russ Abbott of Ink & Dagger. It's not on my head, and I wouldn't want it, but it looks good.
He did a fantastic sleeve a year or two ago. The original design was posted somewhere in the mists of time on his Instagram feed, but was done in black and white, which I prefer to the final, colour version.
I got my throat and foot tattooed, both within the last 2 weeks if you want to see.
A video of my throat (not complete)
Nice piece of work Filthy25ozJunkie!
I really like the colors of the galaxy. -
Dude that cat is ridiculous. El Gato Pirata!
Galaxy is amazing too.
Haven't had any work done in almost a decade…starting to forget the sting of the needle!
Thanks guys.
The cat is a Nekomata, or a 2 tailed cat from Japanese mythology. There was also a swordsman named Jubei Yagu that wore an eye patch made from a sword hilt. But, this one specifically is from a video game called Nioh.
Thanks for the info! Always loved Japanese mythology and tattoo work. Reminds me of Horitomo's MonMon Cats, but I'd never seen one with an eyepatch till yours. Cheers!
Meant to be starting my back soon, half looking forward to it half don't want the pain/healing process.
@budpatch that is really cool and might go on my other foot now.
@budpatch that is really cool and might go on my other foot now.
Might need a foot cat now too…
If you like Japanese cats(and everything else) this is your guy for inspiration:
@budpatch that is really cool and might go on my other foot now.
Both pieces look great dude!
Horitomo has done a book on the Monmon cats. It is pretty cheap and def worth picking up.
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Your a brave man to take a crack at that.
(I'll get my coat…)
Seriously though that looks like the start of something special. Looking forward to seeing how it progresses.
I guess you could say he's over the moon about it
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