2017 Edition - Iron Heart WAYWT
Tanner Goods
My Aunt and Uncle are celebrating my birthday tonight. They got me this card and we were laughing because I am dressed the same as the guy on the image of the card. Complete coincidence. They got me Zebra cakes because I have to go work in Africa next week. The smirk is because I was laughing so much because of the guy on the card.
Happy birthday @Filthy 21/23oz junkie that’s a really good picture of you. What glasses are you wearing?
The glasses are Cole Haan. I just liked them because they are clear and go with any outfit. Thanks for the compliment. I look happy because I am hammered.
HBD Mike! I like the way your aunt n uncle think! and to add to the cheese factor; a remote b day present -
I love that song. I think of it every time I pee in a urinal.
Thrifted flannel, 8119s, and 888-NT
The glasses are Cole Haan. I just liked them because they are clear and go with any outfit. Thanks for the compliment. I look happy because I am hammered.
Happy and hammered is nice.
I’m in need of a new pair of frames, need to check out the brand and some clear ones. Thanks for the tip.
You're welcome brother.
192 & 777 vs
Old guy wearing skinny jeans my 555’s