What's your favorite Beer?
Your local is making me thirsty
Yesterday I drank me last Stille Nacht 2013… It was bloomin fantastic... I thought to meself "I need some more 2012/ 2013s"...
Checked some local 2ndhand forum this afternoon... Found a guy from another part of the country selling 6 2013s and 4 2012s... Contacted him... He tells me he's going to a small beerfest in my city, today...
So, in short, about 24 hours later after me downing the last 13...
2009 and 2012 labels were re-used for later bottles… So it might be 2015 or 2016...
2012 Oude Lambiek labels were not reused, only some other 2012 labels (more 2009 than 2012 though, and 2009s have oddly been used more recently than 2012 even). Oude Lambiek hasn't even been produced at all since 2012, and only 2 runs have ever gotten import to the US. So, these are the real deal. FWIW, I even double checked this info with one of the guys who runs lambic.info, and he was completely certain my bottles are legitimately Feb 2012.
Been sitting on this one a while for me….about 8 months. Less coffee and more barrel than when fresh. A good beer that is easy to find.
Another good one. I think this is better than last years.
The only beer I really enjoy is Belgian style witbier, but man do I enjoy it!
That's pretty specific… Maybe try some of the German Hefeweisse beers?..
I enjoy those as well actually. Pretty much any German or Belgian light beer is like pizza to me, some are better than others but even the worst is decent.
My wife is actually the beer aficionado of the house. [emoji1]
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The only beer I really enjoy is Belgian style witbier, but man do I enjoy it!
That's pretty specific… Maybe try some of the German Hefeweisse beers?..
My wife is actually the beer aficionado of the house. [emoji1]
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I've only started drinking beer in the past year, and it's all thanks too my wife. Now, I'm a believer, lol
Christmas gifts
Goose Island Bourbon Barrel and Halleck PaleSent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
[emoji319] Christmas [emoji319] BOMBSent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Christmas Bomb, that’s what I’m having for dinner tonight. Damn good stuff.
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Adelbert’s Barrel Aged Sour Blonde
Jester King Colonel Toby Hopped Farmhouse AleSent from my iPhone using Tapatalk