IHSH-155 - Ultra Heavy Flannel Check Crazy Check Western
Shirt looks great. Good colour on you and with that outfit. Late to the party, but I have a black coming in. Looking forward to it.
I think you'll love it. The black was the shirt I went for the most in my closet last winter.
The Blue is my favorite all time UHF pattern - the texture is so complex and the fit is so good.
Thinking I may need the red to show up in my closet someday, but I think my final fall purchase will be the burg UHF CPO…
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I think you'll love it. The black was the shirt I went for the most in my closet last winter.
I think so too. I've coveted it since it came out but prioritised other things. G found me one in .jp so it's my plaster on the "I didn't get a classic check" sore [emoji1]
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Seems more distracting than talking on the phone…
You only love once…
Set self timer at stop sign [emoji12]
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I love the red and the blue in these. It seems that I am in the minority because they sold really slowly. Despite that, I have restocked in quite a few sizes…..
I am with you, I love these as well although it's taken some time for the red to grow on me. Blue and Black were instacop's for me though when they dropped the last time.
The blue 155 is my favorite shirt hands down.
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I like the black but I don't think I would buy it after seeing the great pictures of the blue , already have a 1st version in red
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Wonderful studio shots@Sam!
Got this in the sale and was told Tuesday delivery, yet it turned up next day on Saturday! I just love the UHFs, and this is my third. Perfect now that it's cooling down here.
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Quick fit pic of mine. Definitely shorter than my other uhf’s but still a good fit. The blue seems more muted in person and not as vibrant as some of the other pics in this thread. May come around for the red eventually
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Looks like I just bought the last black in the sale. Very excited as this is my first IH purchase! Been lurking the sites for a while, always dreaming about getting something, but never truly been able to justify the expense (2 small kids, lots of house renovations etc.). Lucky for me that the sale fell on my bday, and I just so happened to receive the exact amount of the cost of this shirt. When it arrives I’ll post fit pics for some of you guys’ expert opinions.
Looks like I just bought the last black in the sale. Very excited as this is my first IH purchase! Been lurking the sites for a while, always dreaming about getting something, but never truly been able to justify the expense (2 small kids, lots of house renovations etc.). Lucky for me that the sale fell on my bday, and I just so happened to receive the exact amount of the cost of this shirt. When it arrives I’ll post fit pics for some of you guys’ expert opinions.
Oooh, good first purchase. I have the black and it is beautiful. It’s a remix of an older, classic IH pattern and such a nice shirt.
Btw, funny forum handle [emoji6]
Oooh, good first purchase. I have the black and it is beautiful. It’s a remix of an older, classic IH pattern and such a nice shirt.
Btw, funny forum handle [emoji6]
Ha thanks, not joined a forum in absolutely ages and this is the old handle I used to use way back when.
I’m pretty excited about receiving the shirt, the colours and style are totally my bag but having only ever read about how superior these UHFs are to pretty much anything else on the market, I’m hoping my mind will be blown! Sort of clothing I’m used to is Carhartt, Edwin, Patagonia, bit of Rogue Territory etc., but nothing near the level of IH.
As an aside, is there a thread anywhere for people to swap tips on how to persuade wives/other halves that purchases on IH gear is actually money well spent? Asking for a friend…
Ha. I mean this in the nicest possible way, but I suspect you’re about to go arse over tit down a very deep rabbit hole. Welcome to the club.
There actually is a thread for that, I’ll see if I can find a link for you tomorrow, but the best argument is the price per wear one. Your flannel will actually be cheaper per wear in the long run because a. It’s glorious and you’ll wear it all the time, and b. It’s going to last forever.
Both these things are true so there are no dark arts being employed here, but this logic tends to fail around the time you buy your eighth UHF in six months.
Good luck! [emoji1]