Random Rants
We measure the way the Japanese do…....For us, any other way of measuring is a potential cause of confusion when we spec clothing....
I just wished every company measured the IH way because I know my measurements is what i'm getting it.
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Looks like it’s time to get a new job after 20 years with the same company
Damn, good luck to you!
Looks like it’s time to get a new job after 20 years with the same company
Sounds shitty, I’m sorry for you. Conflict, closure or corporate cøcks?
Due to wanting me to take a step backwards (lesser job) as nobody else wants to do it. Basically taking the piss.
Damn Mega, that sucks.
@Megatron1505 Could this be one of those reverse psychology testing the loyalty to the company jobs? Seeing who will step up, take the shit job, and then get promoted two rungs up the ladder. Did you approach management and discuss your concerns?
Just don’t act out of haste! Companies hate losing good employees and half of the time they don’t know they have upset their good people, because they are focused on the poor ones.
@goosehd unfortunately not, i’ve been here for 20 years and the company isn’t that clever or subtle.
[….. the company isn’t that clever or subtle.
Sounds like it was a match made in heaven… I guess all good things must come to an end.
No, but seriously though... Is your mind made up, or will you try to "fight back" first?](https://www.ironheart.co.uk/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=12671)
As of right now, i’m resolved to moving on. I let them know my thoughts, they were sorry I felt that way.
Ok, I get that it's January, and that means everyone has resolved to lose weight. So I've accepted that my email will be infested with healthy tips. But an easy way to cut calories is not, I repeat, NOT to substitute baked kale for potato chips. That's an easy way to get a bitch stabbed.
Who, in their right mind, thinks, "yeah, kale! That's just like potato chips!"?
No one. Ever. The answer is no one in the history of the entire world has ever, or will ever, think that. Why would anyone even suggest that? Were you not hugged enough as a child?
damn it, I can't rant about the quality of the rants today
thanks for giving me a reason to rant.
I'm at work and the content is blocked, some body describe to me what is happening.
this is some proper BULL$H!T
lol…The Cholos try is a great video series. Cholos try Hipster clothes is also a good one.
thanks for giving me a reason to rant.
I'm at work and the content is blocked, some body describe to me what is happening.
this is some proper BULL$H!T
It's basically Cholos trying kale chips and giving their thoughts. It's a whole series they do on Mitu I believe it is? Cholos try ice skating…Cholos try Hipster clothes....I think there's actually a Cholos try English food one...might have to dig that up.
For whoever doesn't know what a Cholo is, google is your friend. Pretty sure it's mainly a west coast American thing.
I don't get repro brands. I mean, I like some of the military repro stuff i've seen from Buzz Rickson, Real McCoys and Pherrows but the old timey denim repro stuff just isn't my cup of tea. I'm trying to understand why anyone would want to dress like a gold prospector or railroad conductor
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