ok, I'm super confused and am going to sound like a real noob here, but what is the difference between a "latino" and a "latina"?
A latino is someone who makes neph93 happy.
The last will affect the instep and height is optional on Wesco custom builds but something like that.
In Wesco-speak you get the term «toe» refered to a lot (MP toe, Boss toe, bump toe etc). What that refers to is the last. So the standard Boss last (that you have on your burlap shorties) is different from the Motor Patrol last. Both my Wesco Engineers are Boss boots built on the Motor Patrol last. So they have all the features of a Boss (straps/stay/shaft cut/stitching) but the toe shape of a MP boot.
OUTSOLE Yellow Kevlar
Those are straight up endgame boots right there. Bloody freaking brilliant.
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Thank you @upcap . Hope to see future pics showing how they age. Super nice!
By the way @Giles @Chris at Wesco what leathers are available at the moment? I notice that the brown domain and the olive burlap have gone from the boot builder. I’m considering a new pair of custom boss and wondering what my options are…
I've got my first pair of WESCO coming in a few days!
I picked up the division road x wesco jobmaster British Tan. These look so great
Picture was taken from wesco FB page
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I've got my first pair of WESCO coming in a few days!
I picked up the division road x wesco jobmaster British Tan. These look so great
Picture was taken from wesco FB page
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Those look awesome. Division Road has done really good Wesco and Viberg makeups.
I have a stock pair of Jobmasters coming my way to get my sizing down.
My new boots came in! The division road pair.
This is my first pair and won't be my last. Quality is off the chain as I expected/hoped.
This British Tan is really cool color and I can't wait to see how it evolves!
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