IHTB-BJM - Brown Roughout Jobmaster
Thanks bud. yeah i think i would need the custom fit. my foot is wide a little further back than where most shoes arte designed to be widest…. but i want to order from IH.
thanks man^
@johnny5799 do you have an update of These? I ordered myself a pair and would love to see how they look a few months down the road.
Will do when I get off work tonight, I’ll get some pictures up for you
Cool, thanks a lot!
So, I love these so you'll have to deal with a lot of pictures.
I must say I almost don't dare wearing them as the feeling and smell of new boots is so nice They feel pretty comfy and are easy to walk in, fells like they''re supporting the movement of the feet. Still,I think they need time to really mould and fit like they should. I'm looking very forward to the next weeks in them!
Still I'm not sure wether to wear them with or without kilties? Worn I prefer kilties and even my wife prefers them - although she normalley hates them.
These seriously look absolutely perfect on everyone! Nice Flo!
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Very nice!
Very nice Max. Can I ask what size? I swing between semi lace to toe and lace to toe when I look at jobmasters. I think it’s the size that does it..
@Peterpiper they're 10,5 E. I always find boots in my size to look not as good as smaller sizes but LTT improves the look IMO.
Thanks. They look great, wear them well..
You bought that 10.5 I had been eying for a while
I should have been more decisive!