Giles Kanreki Suprise
I take back what I said earlier, @Seul, I'm clearly an embarrassing drunk with no right to disparage others…
By the way, this is quality work, @Megatron1505
Hope you’re feeling better today Chris, we were a little worried after how you ended up last night…..
That's just creepy.
Who got stuck lining up for Tommy's Supreme gear, @Megatron1505?
Fortunately nobody @dylantbmayes , I managed to snag a few bits from the online store and then hit Grailed for a few older items. I wish I’d started a career as a Supreme reseller years ago now
There's still time!
Hope you’re feeling better today Chris, we were a little worried after how you ended up last night…..
My wife says this is the best picture of me she's ever seen.
After leaving Chris safely with Seul, we spent a much more sedate last day wandering around Bruges before returning to Gosport with our princely haul
Friday 20th April 2018 - finally on our way back to White Kloud, after 1.5 hours we're nearly there!
Giles races ahead with excitement…
Then realises we need to work out where the hell we are going!
Sadly, we don't have @tokyoGringo to help and guide us this time round, but we manage to find White Kloud again!
Goto san is expecting us, and Giles wastes no time in getting a first look at his new boots:
Good lord they are glorious. Thanks for keep us in the loop @Madame Buttonfly . Looking forward to more…
The boots are duly fitted by Goto san with meticulous instructions on how to pull them on, how to lace them properly etc. etc.
Thanks, @neph93 - they are indeed GLORIOUS boots - and it was a pleasure to re-visit, Goto san is a truly lovely guy and speaks pretty good English. At one point I said to Giles "who's a lucky boy, then?" and Goto san looked up and said "I am a lucky boy!" - delightful.
Anyway, I decided that what my photos lack in quality I would make up for in quantity, so here are more pics of said gorgeous green boots (colour looks different inside and outside, am sure G will provide accurate colour photos in due course):