IH-2527J - Brown Cotton Duck Riders Jacket
Don't know whether I'm more gutted that Seul sold his and I didn't buy it… Or that the new owner hasn't posted any pics yet.
Ok, it's been too long. Time for some 2527J Duck Rider action*
And to prove it still (despite the gut) fits right:
Had to switch to my BB though (this is currently the only pair of jeans I wear w/o a belt. Otherwise, when closed the Rider "rides" up over me belt.
*by "action" I mean me standing there, or far to many pics of me not in it.
Is there anyone else who would love to have this jacket? Wish I got into IH a few years ago…
And because I couldn't resist, a few more…
Awesome shots! Diggin that indigo transfer
& great fit on the jacket @Morose_Penguin.
Thanks, it doesn't get much wear - the weather was the best it's been for a while - perfect opportunity. It will have to be washed tomorrow though…
It was well past time for a wash…
How many jackets constitute a run?
I expect these would sell, but not like crack brownies.
I'm the opposite: not a huge riders style jacket fan, but I love me some duck! I would be on the fence if this came out.