There are definitely benefits to both methods. The main reason the HR method can be more beneficial is specifically for higher level training where you have a more structured schedule. Running by feel when there is no or little structure to a training schedule is great. There are some who believe you should go out and run by feel everyday, which can work for a few weeks or months, but ultimately can lead to injury or over training. I remember my college coach ripping us a new one for running too fast on easy days even if we felt great. Reason being is you are wasting effort on a day meant for rest. Even if you feel great, running a little quicker on easy days ultimately does put extra fatigue in your legs, which is not a good thing when you have a workout or long run the following day. The benefit of monitoring HR is it does not lie. Maintaining an HR range on daily runs will ultimately mean certain days are slower or faster than others (not including terrain). Running at 140 BPM the day after a very intense session will most likely mean running at a much slower pace than running at 140 when you've simply been doing easy to moderate runs in the day(s) prior. I am very guilty of running too fast too often so I have found that either setting a max pace or a max HR for recovery days is one of the few ways to keep me honest and using the recovery day for what it is meant.
Also @den1mhead I should clarify, I have no idea what your HR is at an easy to moderate effort, I was simply using 135-140 as an example. I would encourage you to look back at your Garmin history to see what your average HR was on a number of easy days. From there you can set your personal range.
Great advice, once again, @BloodnThunder. What you said there really reminded me of the YouTube talks by Jack Daniels specifically about not unnecessarily over doing it / waisting effort. I am a m.f. for over doing it so I can see now how running to a specific hr band can limit my efforts at a time when I may otherwise be over reaching myself. I will look back over my data but 135-140 does seem to work, if only I would stay within that bracket !! I remember reading that having a day off is a specific trading objective. I’ve still got a ways to go. Self discipline is something I need to work on when running [emoji4]
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We are not alone. Running too fast on easy days is probably the most common mistake runners make. On easy days there really isn't a pace that's too slow. If it makes you feel better a number of the best Kenyan marathoners in the world will basically trot on their easy days, and these are 2:04-2:05 marathoners.
@BloodnThunder @cander49 @summ3rhays and anyone else who can contribute - guys I am after some advice . . .
As you may have read in this thread between September and November last year I completed 3 races; 2 half marathons and a full marathon. In December I got Aussie Flu and didn't run. This Jan & early Feb I was in India and didn't run. Upon my return to UK I got cough / cold so didn't run. At the time of writing this I've been out 8 times for 8 separate runs of distance 1 mile upto 4 miles.
Today, my 8th run, after an effective three month break, I completed 4 miles, the furthest of the 8 runs. My garmin figures are below. My concerns are that I am knackered after only 4 miles, my heart rate is sky high compared to last year. Is this normal after a three month break? Any feedback will be greatly appreciated.
Crap, I didn’t see this post until now. Hope you are feeling well. It’s always tough to come back after a break. Our minds think our bodies should be able to push like usual. Has it worked itself out?
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Signed up for this monster. Both looking forward to and dreading it. -
^^Missed this earlier.
That's an intimidating event. Much respect.
Crap, I didn’t see this post until now. Hope you are feeling well. It’s always tough to come back after a break. Our minds think our bodies should be able to push like usual. Has it worked itself out?
Feeling back to normal now thankfully. At this time I am on week 5 of a 26 week marathon training programme in preparation for the Yorkshire marathon in October.
I'm running a relay race across half of Utah in two weeks. I'm raising money for cancer research. If anyone would like to donate the link is below. 100% goes to cancer research. Any amount helps.
I just started running again after a ten year ish hiatus. Any tips to get over runners knee?
My physical therapist friend suggested a series of exercises to strengthen my knee stabilizers, but that's a preventative measure, not a way to get over the pain.
Maybe some stretches that have worked out for you? I can't keep taking naproxen this way…
@DougNg , KT tape works pretty well. Foam rolling works wonders as well. If it’s your IT band it’s really the only way to stretch it out.
How to die in a half marathon: be in shape for 1:13ish in good conditions, but go out at 1:12:00 pace chasing fitter runners in brutally hot, humid conditions. #IDiedToday
@cander49 recent weather change has gotten me too, but damn that is WAY faster than I’ll ever go. Awesome effort!
Thanks. I was hoping to crack into the 1:13s, but 1:14:xx would probably have been more reasonable in the weather. 1:12 pace was just stupid. I had a few pretty good workouts this training cycle and got too cocky. I'm marathoning in 2 weeks, though, so that'll be a nice chance for redemption.
^ Awesome effort in the heat of the half. Good luck in the upcoming marathon buddy
What kind of running shoes do you guys recommend?
I'm getting into running lately (first time in my life I've ever actually enjoyed it) and need some new shoes.
In the meantime I've been using some New Balance 579's that aren't really running shoes so I need something better.
Seems like the Brooks Adrenaline GTS 18 is a good option, but my buddy said I should just go to a local running store and get fitted for something based on my walk, stride, etc.
Not looking to run any 5k's or anything like that yet, just running a few times a week to get in better shape. Maybe just a pair of Nike Pegasus 34s would do the job? -
Me & Jules both wear Brooks Ghost & Brooks Ravenna
my buddy said I should just go to a local running store and get fitted for something based on my walk, stride, etc.
Your buddy is absolutely right. Especially since you're not an experienced runner, it's the smartest option to get some experienced guidance. A place like Rogue Running or Ready To Run will do a gait analysis and find the right shoe for you. The last thing you want to do is buy shoes that look great, but exacerbate (or cause) discomfort or injuries.
For what it's worth, I've worn Mizuno Wave Riders for years, and I never would have even considered them if I hadn't gone to a specialty store (RunTex, which is now gone, I think?) for advice.
I like Salomon a lot, but haven’t ever used their road shoes, only trail runners. Used to run in New Balance, but they stopped making the model I liked. I have a pair of Hokas for road that I like but don’t use all that much, but their trail shoes have not worked for me. A lot of my friends like Altra, but I could not get used to the zero drop.
Do any of you use Strava? I thought it would be fun to make an Iron Heart team/group on there.
Photo from long run yesterday: