He's so friendly, he'd go right along with you, lol!
It's kinda strange how he has become a bit of a local celebrity in our little village.
Example: A few days ago, we were taking him for our evening walk, and a lady comes up and says "This must be Dexter! Barbara has been telling me about this cutie! Half Chihuahua and Papillion, right?"
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3 weeks out, this lil fella (I believe we'll call him Otis) will join our family at the age of 8 weeks. He's a Bouvier des Flandres and the largest of his litter. We expect him to reach over 100 lbs at maturity.
I mentioned we were looking at this breed last night and a co-worker said she's on her second one, and that hers is 140 lbs! She showed pictures and videos and the thing looks like a bear crossed with a Shetland pony. I then found out that my fiance had pulled the trigger on Otis while I was talking about the breed. I placed our deposit immediately.
wow those are some great portraits
here’s my girl just doing here thing
Otis "Snugglebutt" Causey has joined the family. 9 week old Bouvier des Flandres, expected to surpass 100 lbs easily.
Snugglebutt is a real cutie patootie
The 'Hot Dog' keeping cool with his blueberry frozen yoghurt
One of our neighbours cat Colin
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Lazy day [emoji75]
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