Iron Heart in the Press or on other Sites
Thanks guys!! I know it’s an Instagram story. But it has a lot of IH in it
Well done, and a big +1 on the Samba love
re: @Giles on Dean Delray - I thought the looms where Toyoda, and not associated with Toyota the auto maker?
"The history of Toyota started in 1933 with the company being a division of Toyoda Automatic Loom Works "
I'm a huge admirer of theirs. The Toyota Production System is an incredible innovation that has benefitted businesses of all sorts across the planet. I think it's worth studying what they developed no matter what trade you are in.
Is there any chance of obtaining a copy of the japanese Iron Heart 2018 catalog as seen on Haraki san's IG channel?
We will almost certainly have some at SR, if we do I will give one to @Jim for you @theshigster
We will almost certainly have some at SR, if we do I will give one to @Jim for you @theshigster
We will almost certainly have some at SR, if we do I will give one to @Jim for you @theshigster
much appreciated… domo arigato gozaimasu...
Something something shite