Iron Heart in the Press or on other Sites
We will almost certainly have some at SR, if we do I will give one to @Jim for you @theshigster
Since @Jim wasn't at SR, can you please give him a copy while he is over at IHUK ? Domo arigato gozaimasu !
Alex is currently hiding in a corner looking extremely embarrassed…..
Well done @Alex, seriously. I'd tell you if it was shit.
Enjoyed that very much.
Very proud stepmum
- great job, Alex
Good job @Alex ! Likeable, concise and on point… It was a much more enjoyable format (due to good editing and NOT including the interviewer) than the audio interview with Giles a while back, imho…
It made me subscribe to the basic denimhunters account.
It was good seeing and hearing you again Alex.
Well done. -
Great job, nicely done Alex…
Really enjoyed this interview and your story @Alex
Heavy forum presence here, lots of props to The Stubborn Crew too:
Great work guys.
Interesting read. A lot of weel kent faces there and a great advert for the brand.
Really nice article. Still, I somewhat feel left out